Changes between Version 2 and Version 3 of DynamicCallAnalysis

Sep 27, 2012, 6:20:36 PM (13 years ago)



  • DynamicCallAnalysis

    v2 v3  
     49== User-defined function references 
     51The dynamic function analyser is equipped to handle user-defined function references. This functionality is basically a generalisation of the analysis of {{{erlang:apply/3}}} calls, where the actual arguments of a function call determine another function which is, we say, symbolically referred to inside the original call. In this kind of extended reference analysis, the user can specify that: which functions, and in which of their arguments do refer to other functions. 
     53In Erlang it is sometimes preferable to define functions that act as a wrapper to a simple ''apply''. Typical use cases include load distribution among different Erlang nodes as well as practical implementations of callback functions. With user-defined function references, the wrapper function will actually refer to the function(s) that may be called inside its body. 
    50 == Configurable dynamic function analyzer == 
    52 Dynamic function analyzer was extended to handle user defined functions that has semantics similar to apply BIF. 
    54 In Erlang it is sometimes preferable to use custom functions that act as a wrapper for a simple apply.  
    55 For example for load distribution among different Erlang nodes. Or implementing callback functions. 
    5756=== Small example === 
    113 A user-defined references to link from the original function call was made.  
    115 === How to specify a valid Erlang match specification === 
     112A user-defined references to link from the original function call was made. 
     115=== How to specify user-defined references 
     117The specification has to be put in a configuration file in the root directory of your instance of the tool (the file has to be named {{{dynfunref.conf}}}). It should contain tuples of the following form. 
    118 {erlang, apply},       %analyzed module and function 
    119 ['$1', '$2', '$3'],    %match 
    120 [{'$1', '$2', '$3'}]   %where to link (an exact function) 
     121  {foo, bar}, 
     122  ['$1', '$2', '$3'], 
     123  [ 
     124    {'$1', '$2', '$3'}, 
     125    {'$2', {'$1', foo, 0}} 
     126  ] 
    123 The first element of the tuple is a tuple, which first element is the name of the module in which the analyzed function is located. The name of the function is at the second element.  
    124 The second element is a list of match specs. Its length equals to the arity of the analyzed function.  
    125 The third argument is a list of mappings represented by tuples. One element of a mapping is a 3-tuple representing an exact function. The third element is represent arity rather than agrments. 
    127 === Another example === 
    128 Consider the following 2 module. 
     130The first two elements determine the function whose arguments are to be inspected: the module name and the function name are given in the first element of the tuple, while the function arity is determined by the length of the second element. The list in the second element is a pattern (a simple version of Erlang match specifications) which allows its elements to be any Erlang term constructed of lists, tuples and atoms (atoms will be regarded as variable names, and they match with any term). 
     132When analysing an appropriate function call, its actual parameters are matched with the pattern, and then the atoms become bound variable names within the third element of the specification tuple. The third element defines mappings: which arguments refer to which functions - if the mapping is a pair, the first element defines the source of the reference and the second determines the callee, if it is a 3-tuple, then a function reference will point from the original call expression to the specified function. 
     134The first and second elements of callee specifications may be arbitrary atoms as they determine the module and function name of the callee: if the atom has been bound in the argument pattern, then the value of the actual argument will be used. The third element of the callee specification may be an integer or an atom and it determines the arity of the callee: if it is an atom, then the corresponding element in the argument match will be treated as a list and will be counted, otherwise the integer constant will be the arity of the callee. 
     137=== Example 
     139Consider the following 2 modules. 
    185197The result: 
    186 {{{#!erlang 
    187199(refactorerl@localhost)26> ri:reset().                            
    217 A dynamic function reference were made to link {{{router_backend:a/1}}} to {{{router:ex_call/0 }}}, 
     229Dynamic references were made to link {{{router_backend:a/1}}} to {{{router:ex_call/0 }}}, 
    218230and to link {{{router_backend:b/2}}} to {{{router:ex_call2/0}}}. 
    219 }}}