Changes between Version 18 and Version 19 of EmacsInterface

Sep 17, 2014, 4:14:28 PM (11 years ago)



  • EmacsInterface

    v18 v19  
    202202=== Duplicated code analysis === 
    204 In the Duplicated code analysis sub menu you can search for duplicated code with default  
    205 parameters (Search duplicated codes...) or in advanced mode (Advanced search) where it 
    206 is possible to modify the default values. See wiki:DuplicateCodeAnalysis for further  
    207 information. In Advanced search mode you can specify the name of a duplicated code  
    208 analysis run with specific options. This name can be used to load older results (saved in 
    209 dets). 
    211 With "Show duplicates" you can load saved analysis result. You just have to type in the 
    212 name of the result which was either specified by you or generated by RefactorErl. Generated 
    213 names start with the string "Temp...". The Emacs interface always shows the name of a result 
    214 in a buffer titled "Duplicated code information" which is shown after clicking the Analise 
    215 button (advanced mode) or starting an analysis from "Search duplicated codes..." or loading 
    216 up some older results with "Show duplicates". 
     204After starting the Emacs with refactorerl-mode on, the duplicate code analysis is available under the Refactor / Duplicated code analysis menu. (You can learn more about this topic and about the usage on CloneIdentifiErl page, whilst the services provided by this interface are detailed below.) 
     206To fine-tune the algorithm select the advanced search option. At first, an algorithm should be chosen. 
     210After the algorithm has been chosen the parameters of the algorithm can be set (it is not necessary to set every parameter). The analysis can be started by clicking on the Run button. 
     214After the analysis have finished, a clone group belonging to the result can be selected.  
     218In this case the first two instances belonging to this group will be shown in separate two columns. The mechanism is similar to the behaviour of diff applications.  You can switch between instances from this group by using dropdown lists that are placed above the columns. 
     222==== Load previously saved result ====  
     224After the show duplicates menu item has been chosen, a previously saved result can browsed by entering the name of the previously saved duplicated code result. 
     226==== Search duplicate code by selection ====  
     228It is possible to make a selection in the source code and start the duplicate code analysis by choosing the search in selected area in the Duplicated code analysis menu. This will start the {{{matrix}}} algorithm which will search for duplicates of the selection. 
    218231=== Refactorings ===