= Basic usage in Emacs/XEmacs = The GNU Emacs and the XEmacs text editors are supported user interfaces. At least version 22 is required for Emacs and version 21 is required for XEmacs. Refactoring is performed by an Erlang server process, which stores analysed source files in a database. This server is started automatically by the (X)Emacs interface, and it should be stopped manually before leaving (X)Emacs. Only those files that are loaded into the database are subjects to refactoring. == Configuration in XEmacs/Emacs == === Loading !RefactorErl === First of all, you need to load the !RefactorErl library into XEmacs or into Emacs. You can do this by placing the following two lines into your {{{.xemacs/init.el}}} le in the former or into your {{{.emacs}}} file in the latter case (you can copy&paste it from the {{{ README.TXT}}} file from the !RefactorErl package): {{{ (add-to-list 'load-path "/path-to-root-dir/lib/referl_ui/emacs") (require 'refactorerl) }}} If you don't know where your {{{.emacs}}} file is, the easiest way to locate it is to start Emacs and type {{{C-x C-f ~/.emacs}}} - this always opens the right file. Similar in XEmacs type {{{C-x C-f ~/.xemacs/init.el}}} If you don't know what {{{C-x C-f}}} is, then you should read the (X)Emacs tutorial to get more familiar with the environment - you can access it by starting (X)Emacs and pressing the keys {{{Ctrl+h}}}, and then {{{t}}}.[[BR]] === Basic settings === Before you can run !RefactorErl, you must make some settings through the Emacs customization system. Type {{{M-x customize-group}}}, then enter {{{refactorerl}}} as the name of the group. Here you can change the following settings: * {{{Refactorerl Base Path}}}: you must enter the full path to the root directory of the tool. Strictly speaking, this is the only required customization, every other setting has a sensible default. * {{{Refactorerl Erlang Runtime}}}: if your {{{PATH}}} setting doesn't contain the Erlang commands, then you should enter the full path to the erl command here. * {{{Refactorerl Data Dir}}}: you can change the location of the database here. * {{{Refactorerl Server Type}}}: if you want to experiment with the command line interface of the tool, you should set this to "Managed server with shell access". This feature requires the standard Erlang editing mode. == !RefactorErl mode == Refactoring functionality is provided through an (X)Emacs minor mode1 that can be turned on using the command {{{M-x refactorerl-mode}}}. When this mode is active, there is a status display in the mode line that shows one of the following values: * {{{Refact}}} means !RefactorErl mode is active, and the file can be refactored. * {{{Refact:off}}} means !RefactorErl mode is active, but the file is not in the database, so it cannot be refactored. * {{{Refact:err}}} means the file has some errors. * {{{Refact:???}}} means that !RefactorErl mode is active, but there is no information available about the file. Normally this is shown only during processing, use the "update status" command if it doesn't go away. When !RefactorErl mode is active, functionality can be accessed through either the "Refactor" menu or keyboard shortcuts. Key sequences start with {{{C-c C-r}}}, and a complete list is given by {{{C-c C-r C-h}}}. As a standard (X)Emacs feature, help on !RefactorErl keyboard shortcuts is available by typing {{{C-h k}}} followed by the keyboard command itself. For example, {{{C-h k C-c C-r r f}}} provides help on the rename function refactoring. The same works with menus: selecting a menu item after typing {{{C-h k}}} gives help on the menu item. == The "Refactor" menu == === Server sub-menu === While working with Erlang files the sever process of the !RefactorErl can be stopped or can be restarted if it is required. The refactoring server can be stopped by selecting the "Stop server" menu item from the "!Refactor/Server" menu or typing the shortcut {{{C-c C-r Q}}}. The !RefactorErl server can be started (or restarted) by selecting the menu item "Start server" from the "!Refactor/Server" menu or typing the {{{C-c C-r R}}} shortcut. === Files sub-menu === ...