
Version 7 (modified by manualwiki, 12 years ago) (diff)

added link to NifDB

RefactorErl Console Interface

When running RefactorErl, you can control the tool via function calls typed into the Erlang shell. RefactorErl has many features, and is quite a complex system with dozen of functions whose name we do not expect our users to remember. In order to ease and unify the command-level access to all the analysis and refactoring functionality, we have designed a group of Erlang functions that cover the most frequently used features of the tool. The module these functions are located in is called ri, you can use this module to interact easily with the tool. You can add files/directories to the database, run semantic queries, create backups, or even do transformations via this Erlang-level interface.

Command-line help

Help can be acquired in ri with


or even shorter as


This function lists several topics, on which further help is available by


If you need specific help with a function, simply call it with an _h postfix to the name. For example, help for the function add is available by calling


Compiling the tool

The tool can be compiled/recompiled by invoking


You can also specify build parameters, but this feature is mostly applied through the development, so please find the module documentation for the details. Note that this build function tries to compile the nif graph representation as well, if these have not been compiled yet. If you want to prevent this, you can use the no_nif build parameter.

Managing files

You can add files to the RefactorErl database by calling the add function with either a filename as a string or a module name as an atom. Note that in the latter case, "ri" defaults to the current working directory (which you may work around by including a path in your singe-quoted atom). If you specify a directory instead of a regular filename, then it will be recursively traversed. You may just as well give a list of atoms or strings to add more files at once. All of the following example commands would add the same file:

 cd(dir), ri:add(modname).

The module displays the progression of loading. Removing files from the database is similarly easy and also recursive, except for one difference. You need not restrict yourself to dropping a module relative to the current directory, but in exchange you must use real module names that do not contain path delimiters. The following will equally work:


Modules can be loaded as applications, but the base of your library has to be set before:

ri:addenv(appbase, "path/to/my/applib").

You can check the already given application base directories:


Let's see an example:

(refactorerl@localhost)18> ri:envs().
output = original
appbase = "/usr/local/lib/erlang/lib"

(refactorerl@localhost)19> ri:add(usr, synatx_tools).
Application synatx_tools not found under usr

(refactorerl@localhost)20> ri:add(usr, syntax_tools).
Adding: /usr/local/lib/erlang/lib/syntax_tools-

You can also set include directories to your include files using:

ri:addenv(include, "path/to/my/include").

It is possible to delete the defined environment variables:


Loaded files can be saved using


For convenience, both the filenames and the directory names can be given as atoms as well as strings. The list of loaded files can be obtained by calling


This call also displays the status of the loaded files (error or no_error). If the module m is loaded,


will give information about the functions, records and macros in the file. The contents of a file can be listed by


Usually, Erlang source files (having the extension .erl) are loaded into RefactorErl. In addition, RefactorErl is also capable of loading compiled .beam files.


Note that this feature is applicable only to those .beam files that were compiled with the debug_info option. Also note that the resulting file will be pretty printed by RefactorErl.

Using transformations

Transformations can be called using their abbreviated names, and the list of required parameters. These commands are listed in refactoring functionalities. There is another way to call a transormation. This way let the user to choose: user wants to specify all of arguments or not. There are lots of cases when the user can not specify all of the required arguments. In this case the tool can help the user with interactions. The tool ask questions and the user has to answer it to specify the missing arguments. The interactions also work if there are problems with the given arguments.

Manipulating the graph

You can reset the database by invoking


This will remove all loaded files. This function should be called if the graph gets corrupted. You can add a checkpoint using


If the transformations you have performed are not satisfactory, you can go back to the previous checkpoint using


If you use NIF graph database, then it is little different:
You can create backups with ri:backup/0 or ri:backup/1 and you can load these backups with ri:restore/1. When execute a transformation a backup will be created, which name differs from the ordinary backups, and the ri:undo/0 function will restore that.

Inspecting the graph

You can draw the semantic representation graph of RefactorErl by calling


This function produces a .dot file (by default,, although this can be customised), which can be transformed to several visual formats using Graphviz. One of these transformations is available from RefactorErl for convenience:


The representation can be altered:

ri:svg(OutFile, Filter).

where Filter is one of the following:

  • all: default, all edges except environmental ones are shown.
  • syn: only syntactic edges are shown.
  • sem: only semantic edges are shown.
  • lex: only lexical edges are shown.
  • all_env: all edges are shown, no filtering.
  • ctx: context related edges are shown.
  • not_lex: all edges except lexical ones are shown.
  • dataflow: dataflow related edges are shown.
  • a list of the above: shows the union of the designated subgraphs.

Using queries

Queries can be invoked by either



ri:q(Module, Regexp, Query).

The former is applicable when a query starts generally, such as


For those queries that begin from a selected position (these queries start with "@" when used from Emacs), the second variant is required. As the console cannot mark a position, the first and the second component indicate the starting point for the query. The following example shows how to get all the variables used in the body of the function f/2 from the module m.

ri:q(m, "f\\\\(X, Y\\\\)", "@fun.var").

Additional options can be given to a semantic query in a proplist as the last argument. The following arguments are currently recognized:

  • {out,FileName}: write the textual output of a query to a file.
  • linenum: prepends match sites with file and line number information.

similar to grep -n. The following example outputs all defined functions with line numbers to a file named result.txt.


Server management command list

Here's the list of supported server management commands:

  • add(FDML): add a module, file, directory or a list of these to the database.
  • drop(FDML): drop a module from the database.
  • ls(): list files that are in the database.
  • backup(): update the backup (checkpoint).
  • undo(): undo the transformation (rollback, only one step).
  • clean(): clean backups (delete all checkpoints).
  • reset(): reset the database to an empty state, but valid schema.
  • graph(Target): assume no options and call one of the next two.
  • graph(Atom,Options): assume ".dot" extension and call the one below.
  • graph(File,Options): draw the graph with the given options.
  • svg(): draw the graph to graph.svg and call Graphviz.
  • svg(File)
  • svg(File, Options)

The additional/modied commands, that you can use, if you use the [[NifDB|NIF database engine]]:

  • backup(): creates a backup.
  • backup(CommitLog): creates a backup as ri:backup/0, but here the user can attach a commit log to the backup file.
  • ls_backups(): returns a lists of backups, that has been created before with ri:backup/0 or ri:backup/1.
  • backup_info(Backup): returns information about the given backup.
  • restore(Backup): restores the given backup.
  • create_graph(Name): creates a graph with the given name.
  • rename_graph(OldName, NewName): renames a graph that has the given OldName, with the given NewName.
  • ls_graphs(): returns a list of the created graphs.
  • actual_graph(): returns the actual graph's name.
  • load_graph(Name): loads the given graph.
  • delete_graph(Name): removes the given graph.
  • delete_all_graphs(): removes all graphs.