= Metric Queries = A metric query language was designed to query some metric information about Erlang programs. Metrics also can be used as properties in our [SemanticQuery semantic query language]. == Defined metrics == === module_sum === The domain of the query is a module. The sum of the chosen complexity structure metrics measured on the modules functions. The proper metrics adjusted in a list can be implemented in the desired number and order. === line_of_code === The domain of the query is a module or a function. The number of the lines of part of the text, function, or module. The number of empty lines is not included in the sum. As the number of lines can be measured on more functions, or modules and the system is capable of returning the sum of these, the number of lines of the whole loaded program text can be enquired. === char_of_code === The domain of the query is a module or a function. The number of characters in a program script. This metric is capable of measuring both the codes of functions and modules and with the help of aggregating functions we can enquire the total and average number of characters in a cluster, or in the whole source text. === number_of_fun === The domain of the query is a module. This metric gives the number of functions implemented in the concrete module, but it does not contain the number of non-defined functions in the module. === number_of_macros === The domain of the query is a module. This metric gives the number of defined macros in the concrete module, or modules. It is also possible to enquire the number of implemented macros in a module. === number_of_records === The domain of the query is a module. This metric gives the number of defined records in a module. It is also possible to enquire the number of implemented records in a module. === included_files === The domain of the query is a module. This metric gives the number of visible header files in a module. === imported_modules === The domain of the query is a module. This metric gives the number of imported modules used in a concrete module. The metric does not contain the number of qualified calls (calls that have the following form: {{{module:function}}}). === number_of_funpath === The domain of the query is a module. The total number of function paths in a module. The metric, besides the number of internal function links, also contains the number of external paths, or the number of paths that lead outward from the module. It is very similar to the metric called cohesion. === function_calls_in === The domain of the query is a module. Gives the number of function calls into a module from other modules. It can not be implemented to measure a concrete function. For that we use the {{{calls_for/1}}} function. === function_calls_out === The domain of the query is a module. Gives the number of every function call from a module towards other modules. It can not be implemented to measure a concrete function. For that we use the {{{calls_from/1}}} function. === cohesion === The domain of the query is a module. The number of call-paths of functions that call each other. By call-path we mean that an {{{f1}}} function calls {{{f2}}} (e.g. {{{f1()->f2()}}}.). If {{{f2}}} also calls {{{f1}}}, then the two calls still count as one call-path. === function_sum === The domain of the query is a function. The sum calculated from the functions complexity metrics that characterizes the complexity of the function. It can be calculated using various metrics together. We can define metrics that are necessary to calculate the metrics constituting the sum (with enumeration in the {{{referl_metrics}}} module). === max_depth_of_calling === The domain of the query is a module or a function. The length of function call-chains, namely the chain with the maximum depth. The depth of calling in the following example is 3. {{{ ... f([A|B], Acc) -> Acc0 = exec(A, Acc), f(B, Acc0); f([], Acc0)-> Acc0. exec(A, Acc)-> io:format("~w",[A]), A + Acc. ... }}} === max_depth_of_cases === The domain of the query is a module or a function. Gives the maximum of case control structures embedded in {{{case}}} of a concrete function (how deeply are the case control structures embedded). In case of a module it measures the same regarding all the functions in the module. Measuring does not break in {{{case}}} of {{{case}}} expressions, namely when the {{{case}}} is not embedded into a {{{case}}} structure. However, the following embedding does not increase the sum. {{{ ... A = case B of 1 -> 2; 2 -> ok end ... }}} === min_depth_of_cases === The domain of the query is a module or a function. Gives the minimum of the maximums of case control structures embedded in {{{case}}} of a concrete function (how deeply are the case control structures embedded). In case of a module it measures the same regarding all the functions in the module. Measuring does not break in {{{case}}} of {{{case}}} expressions, namely when the {{{case}}} is not embedded into a {{{case}}} structure. However, the following embedding does not increase the sum. {{{ ... A = case B of 1 -> 2; 2 -> ok end ... }}} === max_depth_of_structs === The domain of the query is a module or a function. Gives the maximum of structures embedded in function (how deeply are the {{{block}}}, {{{case}}}, {{{fun}}}, {{{if}}}, {{{receive}}}, {{{try}}} control structures embedded). In case of a module it measures the same regarding all the functions in the module. === number_of_funclauses === The domain of the query is a module or a function. Gives the number of a functions clauses. Counts all distinct branches, but does not add the functions having the same name, but different arity, to the sum. The number of funclauses in the following example is 2. {{{ ... f(Fun, [H|Tail])-> Fun(H), f(Tail); f(_, [])-> ok. f(A, B)-> A + B. ... }}} === branches_of_recursion === The domain of the query is a module or a function. Gives the number of a certain function's branches, how many times a function calls itself, and not the number of clauses it has besides definition. The branches of recursion in the following example is 2. {{{ quicksort([H|T]) -> {Smaller_Ones,Larger_Ones} = split(H,T,{[],[]}), lists:append( quicksort(Smaller_Ones), [H | quicksort(Larger_Ones)] ); quicksort([]) -> []. split(Pivot, [H|T], {Acc_S, Acc_L}) -> if Pivot > H -> New_Acc = { [H|Acc_S] , Acc_L }; true -> New_Acc = { Acc_S , [H|Acc_L] } end, split(Pivot,T,New_Acc); split(_,[],Acc) -> Acc. }}} === calls_for_function === The domain of the query is a function. This metric gives the number of calls for a concrete function. It is not equivalent with the number of other functions calling the function, because all of these other functions can refer to the measured one more than once. === calls_from_function === The domain of the query is a function. This metric gives the number of calls from a certain function, namely how many times does a function refer to another one (the result includes recursive calls as well). === number_of_funexpr === The domain of the query is a module or a function. Gives the number of function expressions in a module. It does not measure the call of function expressions, only their initiation. In the next example the number of the funexpr is 1. {{{ ... F = fun(A) -> A + 1 end, F(1), F2 = fun a/1, ... }}} === number_of_messpass === The domain of the query is a module or a function. In case of functions it measures the number of code snippets implementing messages from a function, while in case of modules it measures the total number of messages in all of the modules functions. === fun_return_points === The domain of the query is a module or a function. The metric gives the number of the functions possible return points (or the functions of the given module). === average_size === The domain of the query is a module or a function. The average value of the given complexity metrics (e.g. Average {{{branches_of_recursion}}} calculated from the functions of the given module). === max_length_of_line === The domain of the query is a module or a function. It gives the length of the longest line of the given module or function. === average_length_of_line === The domain of the query is a module or a function. It gives the average length of the lines within the given module or function. === no_space_after_comma === The domain of the query is a module or a function. It gives the number of cases when there are not any whitespaces after a comma or a semicolon in the given module's or function's text. === is_tail_recursive === The domain of the query is a function. It returns with 1, if the given function is tail recursive; with 0, if it is recursive, but not tail recursive; and -1 if it is not a recursive function (direct and indirect recursions are also examined). If we use this metric from the semanctic query language, the result is converted to {{{tail_rec}}}, {{{non_tail_rec}}} or {{{non_rec}}} atom. === mcCabe === !McCabe cyclomatic complexity metric. Available for modules and functions. We define it based on the control flow graph of the functions with the number of different execution paths of a function, namely the number of different outputs of the function. === otp_used === Gives the number of OTP callback modules used in modules. == Aggregations, filters on query results == We can extend our queries with filters. A filter can be formatting and aggregating function or the definition of the structure of the result. The possible aggregation filters are listed below: * {{{max}}}: maximum on the result list * {{{tolist}}}: default return value of the query * {{{totext}}}: string format of the result * {{{fmaxname}}}: maximum with the name of the node * {{{avg}}}: average on the result list * {{{min}}}: minimum of the result list * {{{sum}}}: sum of the result list == Examples == === Simple query === With the following query we count the number of functions of the modules given in the list. {{{ show number_of_fun for module ('a','b') }}} where * {{{number_of_fun}}}: a function giving the number of functions * {{{module}}}: the type of node in the query * {{{('a','b')}}}: contains the names of modules in which we calculate the metrics. In case the type of the node was defined as function the list must contain the following elements: The name of the module, in which the function was defined, the name of the function and its arity. In this case the list can have more than one element. The next list {{{{'test','f',1}}}} defines a function which is defined in the {{{test}}} module. Its name is {{{f}}}, and its arity is {{{1}}}. === Advanced query === In the next example we would like to define the number of recursive calls of two functions defined in the {{{a}}} module, the number of branches on which the particular function calls itself, and we sum up the two results with the help of the {{{sum}}} aggregating function. {{{ show branches_of_recursion for function ({'a','f',1},{'a','g',0}) sum }}} At the end of queries we can place filters which filter the results that are received at the output, or which are aggregating functions which change the result of the query. == Using metric queries from different interfaces == Metric queries can be executed from the console interface. To learn about the usage, please visit this [ErlangShellInterface#Usingmetricqueries page] . Metrics also can be used as properties in our [SemanticQuery semantic query language] which is available from every interface. == Metric analyser mode == The !RefactorErl supports querying bad smells in the code. This feature depends on the metric analyzer which is disabled by default. {{{#!comment TODO: If Emacs support is stable, the description is needed to make wider enclosing the Emacs specific settings.. The metric analyser mode has to be manually enabled by selecting Start metrics from the Server item in the RefactorErl menu in the Emacs interface of RefactorErl. Clicking Start metrics from the same menu turns the mode off. When Metrics mode is on, the status indicator displays Erlang Refact Metrics or a similar message. When in metric analyser mode, the Emacs interface of RefactorErl displays the values of changed metrics after a transformation is invoked. The analyser opens up the Metrics Result buffer, and shows the expected and the current values of the measured metrics for all modules that have at least one metric that is out of bounds as shown in Figure 8. Values of metrics outside the user defined limits (”bad code smells”) can also be queried manually using Show bad smells in the Semantic query menu. Figure 9 shows the output of this query, which is quite similar to Figure 8; the main difference is that Figure 9 shows all bad metric values, while the other displays only those that are affected by the transformation. }}} The metric analyser mode has to be manually enabled. To learn about the commands please visit the following [ErlangShellInterface#Queryingbadsmells page] . When metrics mode is turned on, !RefactorErl initializes the internal metrics representation by creating the necessary tables, and loading them with the available module and function nodes. It also calculates the initial values of the metrics. The limits of the metrics can currently be configured by editing the file {{{metricmod.defs}}}. An example of the current format of the file is shown below: {{{#!erlang {module_metrics, [{line_of_code,{100,1000}}, {char_of_code,{100,60000}}, {number_of_fun,{0,10}}, ...]}. {function_metrics, [{line_of_code,{0,20}}, {char_of_code,{0,600}}, {function_sum,{0,infty}}, ...]}. }}} The file contains two Erlang terms, one for the module level metrics and another for the function level metrics. The metrics analyser system has built-in defaults; any options given here override the defaults. For a given metric, the lower and upper limits can be given, e.g. the limits on the lines of code in the module are overridden in this file so that they are considered correct only if they are between 100 and 1000. For example, the module a has 5 lines of code, which does not fit the arbitrary range 10..20, so module a has bad smell which can be queried.