Changes between Version 1 and Version 2 of Web2/DependencyExaminations

Sep 17, 2014, 5:09:23 PM (10 years ago)



  • Web2/DependencyExaminations

    v1 v2  
    4141The available functionblocks are placed in the ’Functionblock’ list. From there the subjects of the analysis can be drag and dropped into the ’Subjects’ list. After this you can generate a graph as usual. 
     43== Collapsible graph view == 
     44The purpose of the collapsible graph is to make the current implementation easier to use through a variety of tools. There is a function to hide or display 
     45certain parts of the graph. Subgraphs visualisation may be customised by submitting certain parameters. These parameters may define the depth and direction 
     46of the visualisation, and can be assigned through the use of the settings option. By clicking on a node, the subgraph will be displayed according to the 
     47given depth and direction. In case of forward direction, incoming edges and associated nodes are all displayed and nodes accessible through outgoing edges 
     48are displayed only up to given depth. In case of backward direction, outgoing edges and associated nodes are displayed, while nodes linked via incoming edges 
     49are only displayed up to given depth. If "both" direction is given, both the incoming and outgoing nodes are displayed only up to given depth. 
     50The movement of the displayed graph may be perplexing, therefor a pause button was implemented, with which the movement may be stopped or restarted at any given time. 
     51Search was also implemented: at least three characters must be given, then the search function will display any label that matches the query with yellow. The search 
     52field and consequently, the matches may be flushed by clicking the icon "X".