= Investigations = This service is available under the ”Investigations” menu. [[Image(webinterface_investigations.jpg)]][[BR]] ''Web interface after creating a small investigation.'' == Starting investigations == There are a few ways of starting an investigation: * From a node when browsing files on the Queries page, this will bring up a new window with a new investigation starting from the clause the node is in. * By typing the signature of the function into the appropriate textbox in Module:Function/Arity format, then selecting a clause from the results. * Loading a previous investigation from the left side of the page. == Extending investigations == You can select nodes from any investigation window, then run a predefined or custom query starting from that node. This will show the query's results on the left side of page.[[BR]] If there were any results a new window will be created and connected with the window the startnode is in. Selecting a result will put the clause that result is in into the newest window. You can create a new window for the same query by clicking Options and selecting New window in the last window created. You can now put another result in this new window. == Managing investigations == You can move windows by dragging them.[[BR]] You can also resize windows at their edges.[[BR]] Doubleclicking on a window moves that window into view. Clicking the Options button in an investigation window brings up some options for it: * Hide / Show contents: Show either the full contents of the clause or only the function name. * Rename: Renames the current investigation window after typing a new name in the appearing textbox and pressing enter. * Delete window: Deletes the curent window, you can only delete window with no children windows. * New window: Creates a new window when browsing query results, so you can keep more results. You can rename your whole investigation with the Rename button at the top of the page, then typing the name in the appearing textbox and pressing enter.[[BR]] You can save the current investigation with the Save button after typing in a name in the textbox left to it. == Persistency of investigations == When loading an investigation, if the database changed since the last time it was saved, you get a warning.[[BR]] If the database changed at parts the investigation visited, then you can't continue from those parts, but can still see them.