= Web interface = The web based interface has many benefits and implements additional functionality. The main features of the web interface: * The ability to run semantic queries - both global queries and queries starting with @ are supported * The query construct assistant * The query storage and the visualisation of the query result * Possibility to see running queries and abort them if necessary * Database operations * Ability to mark files with error forms * Dependency examinations !JavaScript must be enabled in the browser to be able to use the interface! * [wiki:WebInterface/Installation Installation] * [wiki:WebInterface/StartUp Start up] * [wiki:WebInterface/ShuttingDown Shutting down] * [wiki:WebInterface/LoggingIn Logging in] * [wiki:WebInterface/SemanticQueries Semantic queries] * [wiki:WebInterface/DatabaseOperations Database operations and environmental nodes] * [wiki:WebInterface/Errors Errors] * [wiki:WebInterface/DependencyExaminations Dependency examinations] * [wiki:WebInterface/LoggingOut Logging out]