
Dependency graph

This service is available under the ”Dependency graph” tab.

To learn more about dependency analysises see the Dependency Analysis page.

On this tab, it is possible to generate

  • Wx based graphical graphs ("Run and draw" button)
  • Svg graphs ("Draw SVG graph" button)
  • Javascript based "smart graphs" ("Draw smart graph" button)

An application called Graphviz is needed to generate results (also when using Wx based graphics). The user can also list dependencies using an Erlang term based representation ("Print dependencies" button).

General configuration

Dependency examinations can be performed on

  • Module group
  • Module
  • Function level

using the whole graph ("All") or the cyclic sub-graph ("Cycles").

Module group level

Module groups can be added using the textbox labelled "Define modulegroup by regexp". It is also possible to use default module groups determined by RefactorErl?.

Module level

When using this level, it is possible to define a start module (with a textbox labelled "Start module") and to select excluded modules. ("Excluded modules", "Exclude leaves of these modules" lists on the left) To add an excluded module (or leaf):

  1. type the name of it into the textbox "Start module"
  2. click on Add button (next to "Excluded modules" or "Exclude leaves of these modules" lists)
  3. delete the module name from textbox "Start module" (if you do not want it to be the start module of the analysis)

Function level

The same instructions should be applied as for module level.

Wx based graphs

When drawing Wx based graphs you can use the following controls:

  • zoom slider on the top (to zoom on the graph)
  • node ranking slider on the top (to increase/decrease the amount of nodes shown)
  • "Search for" text control and button on the top (to search for a node with this name)

Node ranking is based on the degree of the node and its type (root, module group, module, function).

Graph nodes are also clickable. Using left click you can open the code text related to the node (in a Code browser), and with right you can start a dependency analysis from that node (as starting node).

Last modified 12 years ago Last modified on Aug 22, 2013, 10:26:45 PM