
Version 5 (modified by manualwiki, 12 years ago) (diff)

macro -related impr. (in comment)

This page lists the names of initial selectors, selectors and properties available in the semantic query language along with their possible abbreviations and synonyms. For examples of usage, see this page.

Every selector returns entites of any of the following types. See the linked pages for a detailed description of the selectors and properties of various entites.

Cheat sheet of query componens

Initial selectors
Name Synonyms
files -
@file -
modules mods
@module @mod
@function @fun
@definition @def
@expression @expr
@variable @var
@record @rec
@recfield @field
@macro -

File entity
Selectors Properties
Name Synonyms Name Synonyms
function functions, fun, funs module is_module, mod, is_mod
record records, rec, recs header is_header
macro macros name -
includes - directory dir
included_by - path -
imports -
exports -

Function entity
Selectors Properties
Name Synonyms Name Synonyms
references refs, ref, reference exported -
calls - name -
called_by - arity -
arguments args bif -
body - pure -
expressions exprs, expr, expression defined -
variables vars, var, variable module mod
file - dirty -
dynamic_calls dynref, dynrefs spec -
dynamic_calls dyncall, dyncalls
dynamic_called_by dyncalled_by

Expression entity
Selectors Properties
Name Synonyms Name Synonyms
fundef - type -
functions function, fun, funs value val
variables vars, var, variable class -
records record, rec, recs last is_last
macro macros index -
subexpression sub, esub, subexpr tailcall is_tailcall
parameter param has_side_effect dirty
top_expression top, top_expr
file -
dynamic_ functions dynfun, dynfuns

Variable entity
Selectors Properties
Name Synonyms Name Synonyms
references refs, ref, reference name -
bindings -
fundef -

Record entity
Selectors Properties
Name Synonyms Name Synonyms
references refs, ref, reference name -
fields -
file -

Record field entity
Selectors Properties
Name Synonyms Name Synonyms
references refs, ref, reference name -
record rec
file -

Macro entity
Selectors Properties
Name Synonyms Name Synonyms
references refs, ref, reference name -
file - arity -
const -

Metrics for files and functions (as properties)
Name Synonyms File Function
module_sum mod_sum ok -
function_sum fun_sum - ok
line_of_code loc ok ok
char_of_code choc ok ok
number_of_fun num_of_fun, num_of_functions, number_of_functions ok -
number_of_macros num_of_macros, num_of_macr ok -
number_of_records num_of_records, num_of_rec ok -
included_files inc_files ok -
imported_modules imp_modules, imported_mod, imp_mod ok -
number_of_funpath number_of_funpaths, num_of_funpath, num_of_funpaths ok -
function_calls_in fun_calls_in ok -
function_calls_out fun_calls_out ok -
calls_for_function calls_for_fun, call_for_function, call_for_fun - ok
calls_from_function calls_from_fun, call_from_function, call_from_fun - ok
cohesion coh ok -
otp_used otp ok -
max_application_depth max_app_depth ok ok
max_depth_of_calling max_depth_calling, max_depth_of_call, max_depth_call ok ok
min_depth_of_calling min_depth_calling, min_depth_of_call, min_depth_call ok -
max_depth_of_cases max_depth_cases ok ok
max_depth_of_structs - ok ok
number_of_funclauses num_of_funclauses, number_of_funclaus, num_of_funclaus ok ok
branches_of_recursion branches_of_rec, branch_of_recursion, branch_of_rec ok ok
mcCabe mccabe ok ok
number_of_funexpr num_of_funexpr ok ok
number_of_messpass num_of_messpass ok ok
fun_return_points fun_return_point, function_return_points, function_return_point ok ok
max_length_of_line - ok ok
average_length_of_line avg_length_of_line ok ok
no_space_after_comma - ok ok
is_tail_recursive - - ok

Name Synonyms
minimum min
maximum max
sum -
mean average, avg
median med
variance var
standard_deviation sd